It seem to me that the proud european people is backing out from a fight. A lot upcoming events is about to happend the next time (ESWC, SMM, Looven tour in china, DTS cup). It looks bright for the dota comunity, a lot of lan events with higher prices then ever, a lot sponsors joined the scene again, some powerfull individuals choose to sponsor the scene and at least the asian and russian comunity still grows. Here in europe on the other hand, we can't handle a little wind in our faces, that makes us quit and choose the easy way. What is the easy way of dota? HON right? Might not be the case but if you are a highskilled dota player you must be left with that impression. Not to be an ashole or anything but if well known dota players as REXI and TRIXI "actually most known for their names (and ofcourse a short time in 4Kings)" can play HON for fnaticMSI. Kebap, who was a really good dota player, can manage to get on "the best HON team" in 2-3 month. A lot of the people you see in HON now a day is players that had a small period in their dota caree that was hard for them. Levent had a bad period for MYM and the disban of the team lead him to HON "A FRESH START". Isn't that a pussy attitude, I mean who the fuck havent had a bad dota period in their caree? I played horrible in MET, not long ago Maelk was really rusty for MYM, now he is back shining. Splitting up the comunity btw 2 games, one with an international competion and one with and EU competion, makes us EU players suffer the biggest lose. How are we to compete with the asians when we have to fill the gap of good players leaving the scene with people who are not rdy to play the high lvl game.
Sure HON proberly has some benefits, but I really doubt that its the main reason behind choosing it, especially with icefrog annoucing that he will make dota2 as an individual game. A lot of the strongest HON players commited big part of their caree to dota and keept in the same genere as dota, but took the easy step, why is that? Is it money? I think its because we are big pussies and cant handle a little set back. For me you guys are traitors to EU and to icefrog. He made a game you grew to love, you see problems in the game, but none of you did anything in particular to help solve the problems, you bailed him and changed horse when the big company came out with their product. Weak commitment.
Anyway its all seen before and funny enouth same shit happend for EU with cs and cs source. The players that had a though time getting to the top in cs choose to go to cs source where they could be the best. sure if you ask them they will just reply like you guys will reply this "graphic is better, it increases gameplay". pussies.
Dota has a bright future ahead of it with a lot of development atm, and the asian and EU scene is closer now then its ever been. But for EU not to lose this battle people have to grow some balls and fight when times are hard and not always just choose the easy way.
Its up to the community, the top players, the supporting webpages and icefrog ofcours to speak out their mind so HON and the big ass millionair faggot who has to put in the extra money to make HON more cool then dota, is not gonna take over the game people truely loves. Dreamhack is a buch of pussies and we should let them know. Hon already took a major offensive against DOTA, and so far we just let it be that way, cause what can common gamers and people like us do against a big company and a lot of money. Let me tell you. You can stand your ground as a lover of the game as a player as a newswriter or as an investor, we choose if EU dota shall contenue or just give up before the fight even started. So whatever happens keep it cool, support the true game, support the true competion you can do it from every position in the dota community.
Peace out (forgive my eng)
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This is why we love Ducky, true commitment and personality!
SvarSletSuch an icon :)
Well-fucking-said, good sir.
SvarSletgreat article <3
SvarSletRight from the start to make it clear : I'm Blah278. I'm NOT a DDT fan AT ALL. Everybody knows that.
SvarSletNow that it's clear and out of the way:
I agree a 100% with Ducky. Those peoples are fucking pussies. I want EU Dota to Shine. The Dota scene internationnaly has never been that strong. We never had that high level of skill globaly in display in the whole history of Dota. There are real monsters individuals playing this game today in terms of skill. In Asia mainly, but not only in Asia.
Bottomline I want EU to shine, I want us to win, but we need to fucking get our acts together or we'll be eaten alive in next big LANs.
I couldn't agree with you more. DotA is the original and the best, and icefrog is amazing at what he does.
SvarSletHoN is and will forever be a weak imitation of DotA, and it's sad to see so many of the pro DotA players abandoning DotA because they are scared.
I'm glad there are people like you who still believe in DotA.
Grow da fuck up Ducky. Let people play the game they want if they think HoN is funnier then DotA then let they play it. It is a fucking game people play it so they can have fun it is not a life-style, maybe you lost that on the way? And who are you to judge when it comes to what game people choose to play.
SvarSletYou really need to grow a pair, right now you are just damageing the DotA scene.
Comment on the first game vs DTS:
SvarSletBEST FUCKIN VENGE IVE EVER SEEN! You all did great though :)
And where is Lodalicious?
Any update from the bootcamp? Winning games?