Yo I got some request to update my blog, so I will. :)
Been quite some time since I last wrote here.
Lets start at the beginning - Misery, Mirakel and I had a blast of a trip to Jordan, sadly not long after returning Puppey put his dirty hands into our team and snapped Mirakel for him self, which ofcourse left a big gap to fill for us. To put it simple we where quite lucky, that many top players at that time were free on the market, and we decided to try some of them. Azen told me that fear would quit dota, so I hurried to contact him to hear for my self. When fear got the offer for a tryout he decided to give it a last chance, and here we are with fear in the rooster. I already said a lot of great words about both our additions so not gonna repeat my self. Vigoss, Misery and I, meet in eedl game where he played a flawless qop, giving us the impression of how stunning his play was. We decided to contact him to see if he was interested in playing once more. The result you know :D. A lot of top teams like to have 5 man roosters or 6 man roosters with 5 regular players. We decided to make it a 6 man rooster cause the nationality's in our team is way more split then before, having a 5 man rooster wouldn't do. Ofcourse I don't like the idea of having 5 regular players, and I simply don't see who to sit out anyway. So we will be playing all of us, not at the same time ofcourse, but we will take turns. I don't wanna have anyone feeling left out. The true power of our 6 man rooster is proberly how well we can swap roles now. Im proberly the only player in the team that is stuck on my role. Santa misery fear can all play diffrent roles, vigoss gank, and baby carry. So no matter how we set our lineup we will be able to fill in the roles required. I also just added a manager for the team, my old manager from unique-esports TMA, he is a super nice guy and a friend of baby, misery and me. Now he just need to meet vigoss, santa and fear. He will be helping us as much as he can. Im very happy he accepted the offer, to be honest there where no other guy i'd like to offer the job.
So the mymprime is soon comming to an end, and im happy to see our name within the last 4 teams. We only had trouble one game so far - against pain, they played suprisingly well, and kinda came like a tornado on a sunny day. We weren't really prepared for an all out war, so we had to step up our game to secure victory. Big credit from me to pain, even though i don't support their way of playing against us.
I'm very happy to see the top 4 teams, including TR instead of LGD, are all teams of the spirit I support. Atm I can see 4 top teams in EU MYM, NWO, LOST.EU, DTS. The teams are very diffrent the way I see them, I can't say which is most effective. As I see it - MYM is a team that has great diciplin - strats are based on the mid game late game, they build their strats so they can turn the game even if they make mistakes early game. Its a frigtning team to play cause they hide very well on the map - moves togther and teamfight very well under pressure. Maelk lead them very well and is defently one of the more exp and respected leaders in the scene. DTS plays as one unit, putting high pressure on the enemy, but addind individual level to many of their games by letting Dendi or artstyle run wild, while Light Ns and Dread plays the strategian roles. This team knows how to use the advanges given to them, and plays with their feelings when they are able too. It's a team with a frightning aura surounding them. NWO I honestly don't know much about - only that it's a very strickt team, runned by Puppey who has very valid but harsh standings towards the gameplay. I don't know why I have this feeling but for me it feels like dictatorship. No offence ment by that. It's a team that plays very much with strategy and they are good at it. Last is us. We are a team playing mostly with our feelings. Strategy is mostly spontanius from our side, nothing is planned in any details, we have our exp and together we use that to pick heros and make strategy. We are a team that base big parts of our game on the individual level of our players, but at the same time we try our best to work as one unit. This mostly shows when we face hard opponents. When facing hard opponents the atmosfere change radically in our team - people getting fired up to a level you can't even immagine - when we put our game face on im sure we are a frigtning opponent too.
The reason I said I was happy to see TR MCITY DTS and US in the top 4 is because Mcity is a team you somehow could compare to DTS, Tr is a team you somehow could compare to us. It's the teams that plays for the fun of the game and put the hard booring strats behind them and face their enemy head on.
Concerning our game vs Nirvana.cn - I must say im just as suprised as many of you guys where. I expected more somehow - sure delay or lag had an influence on the game - but our gameplay was near flawless these games, team was fired up and rdy to battle with all we had. I think we caught nirvana.cn on a bad day - things simply didn't work for them, and im sure we took them by suprise. I won't put too much into these 2 games, we won and in my opinion we deserved to win those games, but playing them smm or WDC will be another challenge. LGD disapointed me too, I watched both games live and was stunned. To me they forgot their brain at home. Something was just off. basicly im disapointed by the chinese performence, knowing how well they can play. I won't underrestimate them, it would be pure suicide to do so. But they got something to think about too.
For our game vs DTS next saturday. Thx Vilat for spilling crap about us on pro.RU - This really got me fired up, even though I respect the DTS team like no other EU team, I will give it my all to beat them 2-0 and make Vilat eat his words. These games will for sure be some to remember. Wish us gl
Peace out Ducky
onsdag den 15. september 2010
lørdag den 7. august 2010
Jordan update
Yo guys just wanted to give you a quick update on our jordan trip.
1 - day: after a long flight with the worst pilot ever :D, we arrived in amman jordan - I tell you first step out of the airplane it feels like hitting a wall - the heat is extreme. Only thing that makes me comfortable about the heat is that in saudi arabia its 20 dg hotter :). Anyway boss (ze7) sattary and sheva was nice and picked us up at the airport - cars without aircondition is sure suicide here. Ze7 took us to an awesome apartment we currently living in - we went out had some awesome juice and shawarma like I never had before. Smoked some sisha and chilled a very nice first day - the evenings are very nice here. The people are very friendly and makes you feel like home "even better then home".
2 - day we all got a nice rest - we meet up with luccianoz, ze7 and sheva and get to try some traditional jordan food - smoke sisha. People here are very social so its very normal you go in groups to do stuff. during the evening we went to "silent" and "destroy" for some really awesome tea with mass sugar (power up). on the way back "silent" and I took a ride in his brothers car mercedes SLK 200 (crazy shit driving 160 in the city) :D funny shit. We arrived at Dark Rider - the netcafe along with luccianoz (LOST) sponsoring our trip here - knowing European standard for net cafes I thought Dark Rider wouldnt be that big - I was Wrong this is without any doubt the best net cafe I ever been at - 80 computers with flatscreens "20" - "22" - logitech mouses - aircondition so the atmosthere is awesome. The most cool part is that all the computers are booked and the people playing all know eachother - Dark Rider is like a big famally - play, eat, drink (juice) all together. The computers are nice and the place is big its lots of space to move at. People here are eager to learn - the community is big and solid - everyone at Dark Rider plays Dota. 6 - 7 teams play here dayly. They all have questions and all listens. Personally id say the skill isnt very high as far as I experienced so far but the community has lots of potential. collect 80 players same place every day - mix it with devotion, high social basis, eager to get better - and you will get a dangeours result. Not sure but this is seems very simular to the russian and chinese community to me.
3 - day: Luccianoz and ze7 pick us up we go chilling - they rly know how to enjoy them self here a very relaxed and cool attitude to life. Luccianoz has a very big impact on people here - he is the friend of everyone and has a nice spirit that makes people wanna hang out a lot - seems like he has infinite energy :D - hes a man with mass plans for the future im not sure I fully understand it all - but im cool with that he is the boss and he is not only our sponsor but friend so I trust his judgement - I wanna do as good as posible for him hes been very helpfull and friendly with us. Anyway Luccianoz took us to some fancyplace to eat kebap hummus and a lot other :D but the hummus and kebap was awesome :D. actually you dont do much when the sun is up - you drive around with aircondition - eat, drink hf with you friends here very relaxed and chilled (I love it) at 11pm its normal for the guys to go to darkrider play lan games eedl or what ever they like - so we do this a lot playing some lan games some eedl shuffelplayers and just having fun playing a bit before the tour.
4 - day: we sleep long and go to wcg qualifyer for jordanian teams - Luccianoz really wanna support the jordanian community - so we went did a interview for television talked with the players - played some fifa guitarhero and chilled - then we went to this big market - lots of young chicks - unlucky they all went with fammaly :D but now i know that lucci and I dont have same taste in woman so at least we wont fight about that :D. We had some food chilled as usual - mira was staying home so we picked him up later and we to smoke sisha :) played some cards with the guys Misery lost and blamed the game ofcourse :D "garen", We went to the cafe and played all night - went home around 6 am.
5 - day: today Luccianoz invited us to his parents home for lunch - was rly nice and we got to try some traditional food with some crazy desert - all very heavy so all couldnt move for 30 min :D Now as you can see we sit in the cafe preparing for tomorrow.
Reading my own post it gets a bit hard to read and confusing with my settup sorry for that but im lazy as fuck so not gonna change shit :D
just wanna let you all know that we are having a nice time in Jordan and ze7 and Luccianoz is taking good care of us - we meet a lot awesome people like sattary sheva silent destroy zicko mightymate devil wanted crazydriver :D and so on sorry if i cant remember all nicks :D forgive me im only human. I have high hopes for the people here with the right attitude im sure they will rice the lvl in no time, great people and with luccianoz and ze7 support im sure they will make their goal.
Special thx to boss (ze7), Luccianoz and sheva for beeing awesome enouth to introduce us to all these nice people - to take care of us - show us your way not only gaming wise but you gave at least me a chance to take a look into your kultur and im happy to get a chance like this.
Hope you all good back home - Peace out Ducky
1 - day: after a long flight with the worst pilot ever :D, we arrived in amman jordan - I tell you first step out of the airplane it feels like hitting a wall - the heat is extreme. Only thing that makes me comfortable about the heat is that in saudi arabia its 20 dg hotter :). Anyway boss (ze7) sattary and sheva was nice and picked us up at the airport - cars without aircondition is sure suicide here. Ze7 took us to an awesome apartment we currently living in - we went out had some awesome juice and shawarma like I never had before. Smoked some sisha and chilled a very nice first day - the evenings are very nice here. The people are very friendly and makes you feel like home "even better then home".
2 - day we all got a nice rest - we meet up with luccianoz, ze7 and sheva and get to try some traditional jordan food - smoke sisha. People here are very social so its very normal you go in groups to do stuff. during the evening we went to "silent" and "destroy" for some really awesome tea with mass sugar (power up). on the way back "silent" and I took a ride in his brothers car mercedes SLK 200 (crazy shit driving 160 in the city) :D funny shit. We arrived at Dark Rider - the netcafe along with luccianoz (LOST) sponsoring our trip here - knowing European standard for net cafes I thought Dark Rider wouldnt be that big - I was Wrong this is without any doubt the best net cafe I ever been at - 80 computers with flatscreens "20" - "22" - logitech mouses - aircondition so the atmosthere is awesome. The most cool part is that all the computers are booked and the people playing all know eachother - Dark Rider is like a big famally - play, eat, drink (juice) all together. The computers are nice and the place is big its lots of space to move at. People here are eager to learn - the community is big and solid - everyone at Dark Rider plays Dota. 6 - 7 teams play here dayly. They all have questions and all listens. Personally id say the skill isnt very high as far as I experienced so far but the community has lots of potential. collect 80 players same place every day - mix it with devotion, high social basis, eager to get better - and you will get a dangeours result. Not sure but this is seems very simular to the russian and chinese community to me.
3 - day: Luccianoz and ze7 pick us up we go chilling - they rly know how to enjoy them self here a very relaxed and cool attitude to life. Luccianoz has a very big impact on people here - he is the friend of everyone and has a nice spirit that makes people wanna hang out a lot - seems like he has infinite energy :D - hes a man with mass plans for the future im not sure I fully understand it all - but im cool with that he is the boss and he is not only our sponsor but friend so I trust his judgement - I wanna do as good as posible for him hes been very helpfull and friendly with us. Anyway Luccianoz took us to some fancyplace to eat kebap hummus and a lot other :D but the hummus and kebap was awesome :D. actually you dont do much when the sun is up - you drive around with aircondition - eat, drink hf with you friends here very relaxed and chilled (I love it) at 11pm its normal for the guys to go to darkrider play lan games eedl or what ever they like - so we do this a lot playing some lan games some eedl shuffelplayers and just having fun playing a bit before the tour.
4 - day: we sleep long and go to wcg qualifyer for jordanian teams - Luccianoz really wanna support the jordanian community - so we went did a interview for television talked with the players - played some fifa guitarhero and chilled - then we went to this big market - lots of young chicks - unlucky they all went with fammaly :D but now i know that lucci and I dont have same taste in woman so at least we wont fight about that :D. We had some food chilled as usual - mira was staying home so we picked him up later and we to smoke sisha :) played some cards with the guys Misery lost and blamed the game ofcourse :D "garen", We went to the cafe and played all night - went home around 6 am.
5 - day: today Luccianoz invited us to his parents home for lunch - was rly nice and we got to try some traditional food with some crazy desert - all very heavy so all couldnt move for 30 min :D Now as you can see we sit in the cafe preparing for tomorrow.
Reading my own post it gets a bit hard to read and confusing with my settup sorry for that but im lazy as fuck so not gonna change shit :D
just wanna let you all know that we are having a nice time in Jordan and ze7 and Luccianoz is taking good care of us - we meet a lot awesome people like sattary sheva silent destroy zicko mightymate devil wanted crazydriver :D and so on sorry if i cant remember all nicks :D forgive me im only human. I have high hopes for the people here with the right attitude im sure they will rice the lvl in no time, great people and with luccianoz and ze7 support im sure they will make their goal.
Special thx to boss (ze7), Luccianoz and sheva for beeing awesome enouth to introduce us to all these nice people - to take care of us - show us your way not only gaming wise but you gave at least me a chance to take a look into your kultur and im happy to get a chance like this.
Hope you all good back home - Peace out Ducky
søndag den 1. august 2010
Gogo Rock on
Just wanna make a quick farewell before the boys and I fly to Jordan.
First of all id like to say that im really looking forward to the trip - the Jordan players has been super awesome already and im really looking forward to meet you all. I only heard cool and awesome stuff about Jordan so im really looking forward to the exp - so I can tell the Danish community that the middeleast doesn't have to be bombs and terroist all of them :). I'm 100% confident that we all gonna have some legendary fun. Just hope the heat is not gonna kill me:D. Hope there is some nice beaches where we can flash our nerdie bodies. Anyway im spitting crap atm - forgive me still heard from yesterdays too many beers.
Id like to shoutout to my new and super cool team - The best of luck to us - really happy with the adds we made - Dota is superfun again thx to you guys. I hope to bring the communiy more legendary mirakel stories. Anyway im without words for once so lets just enjoy a cool song.
First of all id like to say that im really looking forward to the trip - the Jordan players has been super awesome already and im really looking forward to meet you all. I only heard cool and awesome stuff about Jordan so im really looking forward to the exp - so I can tell the Danish community that the middeleast doesn't have to be bombs and terroist all of them :). I'm 100% confident that we all gonna have some legendary fun. Just hope the heat is not gonna kill me:D. Hope there is some nice beaches where we can flash our nerdie bodies. Anyway im spitting crap atm - forgive me still heard from yesterdays too many beers.
Id like to shoutout to my new and super cool team - The best of luck to us - really happy with the adds we made - Dota is superfun again thx to you guys. I hope to bring the communiy more legendary mirakel stories. Anyway im without words for once so lets just enjoy a cool song.
mandag den 19. juli 2010
Yo Readers and haters.
So a lot has happend since I last updated my blog. First we got sponsored by Ibrahim the man behind [LOST], then we went to ESWC and finnished 5-6 place. After ESWC we split up and now we found our replacements.
So lets start at the beginning we got our self a new sponsor, and so far he has been super awesome. He came in just before ESWC and helped us with payment of airplane tickets and more. Hes been super reliable and done an awesome job for us, and it seems like its not stopping here. Recently he took in our russian comrades leaded by old allstar player PGG, and he just added a jordanian team that we most likely are going to visit the 1 Aug to the 10th Aug. Atm Ibrahim is trying to reach out to the middeleastern E-sport scene, and we are choosen as role moddels for that, im pleased to get such a job, and we in [LOST] will work hard to reach the goal set for us. I'm pretty sure there is more in store, but what Ibrahim is thinking 100% I don't know, but im sure he will include us when time are. I hope you will keep supporting us all in [LOST] and support Ibrahims contribution to the dota community.
We went to bootcamp (LODA, PAJKAT, MISERY, TWISTED and I) before the ESWC kicked of in paris, we started strong, but then something happend and our play and morale fell drastic. The bootcamp got a complete disator, people lost faith in each other and got annoyed by eachother, a thing I hadden seen comming, cause I thought we solved the problems at our stay in China. Loda hadn't been active the month before ESWC "online", and at the bootcamp it became clear to us all that atm no other player could lead the team in france, at least not with the players involved. Even though Loda didn't want to lead the team there where no other option at ESWC. Somehow I knew that the team needed to win the first matches to stand a chance at the event, but we got outpicked in our game against "OK", even though we didnt play bad this game, the few mistakes we made was enouth to throw away the game. And the result was clear, the team spirit feel drastic, we managed to win our next 2 games, but then as you know we ended up in the hardest group possible with AEON, DTS and EHOME. Not only that we had to play the key match first game aswell. In my opinion we got hard outpicked against DTS, and I did not agree at all on our picks. None the less we fought but lost. We managed to beat AEON and with a win against EHOME we could ensure a place btw the final 4. But as you know EHOME was simply too strong, id say it was the only team at the event we couldnt beat no matter how good the spirit was. We went out of the tour, and had a talk the day after. I didn't feel like playing with Loda anymore, not cause I don't like Loda, thats not the case, Loda is a nice person, simply cause I didn't agree with the choices made at bootcamp and at the event. I told the team that I would withdraw from the team after the event, but the thing about Loda and I wasnt the only problem. So instead the team choose to split up intirely. Loda wasn't sure if he wanted to contenue playing dota, and its still unclear, Pajkatt felt like going where Loda wants to go, Misery would like to stick with me and Twisted wasn't sure if he had time for dota. Poor Mirakel was left at home with no clue, so we choose to contact him, and im happy that he choose to stay with us. Babyknight allways wanted to play with Misery and I so both parts took their chance to join forces. Don't misunderstand me the old DDT team are still friends, there is no hard feelings btw people and it was a choice the team took together, and we all felt it was the right choice, so please support the choice we took instead of wondering how things turned out this way.
Today im happy to annouce our 5th player Santa, that we been scrimming with since we got home from paris. Santa has really proven to be outstanding the games we played with him, and he is a solid lan player. Every team need a bit russian blood in their team. Mirakel, Misery and I knew Santa from china and he is very faithfull to the team, a great player aswell as a friend. He plays and talks about the game just the way we like in this team, and with this add we are sure to do good not only online but on Lan aswell. Santa is joker, if you think santa is limitid then im really looking forward showing you that it isn't the case. Please welcome our new player as you welcommed any other member of this team and keep supporting us if we are the team you like. Best of luck from me to Santa.
So our new rooster looks as following: Misery, Mirakel, Babyknight, Santa and I. We are currently scrimming a bit with a 6th man, but our last add will simply be a player that standin when needed and helps us scrimming when we are not enouth online. The 5 man rooster as it is now is the main fokus.
I would like to wish Loda, Pajkatt and Twisted luck with whatever choices they make, thx for a great time together, some great exp and some good times drinking :D.
I would like to welcome Babyknight and Santa to the team, lets aim to get the best once again together!!!.
And I would like to thx the supporters of the team through out the time as Fnatic, TLT and DDT, whatever team you choose to follow be loyal, hopefully we can show you some good games so you can keep rooting for us. Peace out Ducky
So a lot has happend since I last updated my blog. First we got sponsored by Ibrahim the man behind [LOST], then we went to ESWC and finnished 5-6 place. After ESWC we split up and now we found our replacements.
So lets start at the beginning we got our self a new sponsor, and so far he has been super awesome. He came in just before ESWC and helped us with payment of airplane tickets and more. Hes been super reliable and done an awesome job for us, and it seems like its not stopping here. Recently he took in our russian comrades leaded by old allstar player PGG, and he just added a jordanian team that we most likely are going to visit the 1 Aug to the 10th Aug. Atm Ibrahim is trying to reach out to the middeleastern E-sport scene, and we are choosen as role moddels for that, im pleased to get such a job, and we in [LOST] will work hard to reach the goal set for us. I'm pretty sure there is more in store, but what Ibrahim is thinking 100% I don't know, but im sure he will include us when time are. I hope you will keep supporting us all in [LOST] and support Ibrahims contribution to the dota community.
We went to bootcamp (LODA, PAJKAT, MISERY, TWISTED and I) before the ESWC kicked of in paris, we started strong, but then something happend and our play and morale fell drastic. The bootcamp got a complete disator, people lost faith in each other and got annoyed by eachother, a thing I hadden seen comming, cause I thought we solved the problems at our stay in China. Loda hadn't been active the month before ESWC "online", and at the bootcamp it became clear to us all that atm no other player could lead the team in france, at least not with the players involved. Even though Loda didn't want to lead the team there where no other option at ESWC. Somehow I knew that the team needed to win the first matches to stand a chance at the event, but we got outpicked in our game against "OK", even though we didnt play bad this game, the few mistakes we made was enouth to throw away the game. And the result was clear, the team spirit feel drastic, we managed to win our next 2 games, but then as you know we ended up in the hardest group possible with AEON, DTS and EHOME. Not only that we had to play the key match first game aswell. In my opinion we got hard outpicked against DTS, and I did not agree at all on our picks. None the less we fought but lost. We managed to beat AEON and with a win against EHOME we could ensure a place btw the final 4. But as you know EHOME was simply too strong, id say it was the only team at the event we couldnt beat no matter how good the spirit was. We went out of the tour, and had a talk the day after. I didn't feel like playing with Loda anymore, not cause I don't like Loda, thats not the case, Loda is a nice person, simply cause I didn't agree with the choices made at bootcamp and at the event. I told the team that I would withdraw from the team after the event, but the thing about Loda and I wasnt the only problem. So instead the team choose to split up intirely. Loda wasn't sure if he wanted to contenue playing dota, and its still unclear, Pajkatt felt like going where Loda wants to go, Misery would like to stick with me and Twisted wasn't sure if he had time for dota. Poor Mirakel was left at home with no clue, so we choose to contact him, and im happy that he choose to stay with us. Babyknight allways wanted to play with Misery and I so both parts took their chance to join forces. Don't misunderstand me the old DDT team are still friends, there is no hard feelings btw people and it was a choice the team took together, and we all felt it was the right choice, so please support the choice we took instead of wondering how things turned out this way.
Today im happy to annouce our 5th player Santa, that we been scrimming with since we got home from paris. Santa has really proven to be outstanding the games we played with him, and he is a solid lan player. Every team need a bit russian blood in their team. Mirakel, Misery and I knew Santa from china and he is very faithfull to the team, a great player aswell as a friend. He plays and talks about the game just the way we like in this team, and with this add we are sure to do good not only online but on Lan aswell. Santa is joker, if you think santa is limitid then im really looking forward showing you that it isn't the case. Please welcome our new player as you welcommed any other member of this team and keep supporting us if we are the team you like. Best of luck from me to Santa.
So our new rooster looks as following: Misery, Mirakel, Babyknight, Santa and I. We are currently scrimming a bit with a 6th man, but our last add will simply be a player that standin when needed and helps us scrimming when we are not enouth online. The 5 man rooster as it is now is the main fokus.
I would like to wish Loda, Pajkatt and Twisted luck with whatever choices they make, thx for a great time together, some great exp and some good times drinking :D.
I would like to welcome Babyknight and Santa to the team, lets aim to get the best once again together!!!.
And I would like to thx the supporters of the team through out the time as Fnatic, TLT and DDT, whatever team you choose to follow be loyal, hopefully we can show you some good games so you can keep rooting for us. Peace out Ducky
lørdag den 22. maj 2010
Pussy EU
It seem to me that the proud european people is backing out from a fight. A lot upcoming events is about to happend the next time (ESWC, SMM, Looven tour in china, DTS cup). It looks bright for the dota comunity, a lot of lan events with higher prices then ever, a lot sponsors joined the scene again, some powerfull individuals choose to sponsor the scene and at least the asian and russian comunity still grows. Here in europe on the other hand, we can't handle a little wind in our faces, that makes us quit and choose the easy way. What is the easy way of dota? HON right? Might not be the case but if you are a highskilled dota player you must be left with that impression. Not to be an ashole or anything but if well known dota players as REXI and TRIXI "actually most known for their names (and ofcourse a short time in 4Kings)" can play HON for fnaticMSI. Kebap, who was a really good dota player, can manage to get on "the best HON team" in 2-3 month. A lot of the people you see in HON now a day is players that had a small period in their dota caree that was hard for them. Levent had a bad period for MYM and the disban of the team lead him to HON "A FRESH START". Isn't that a pussy attitude, I mean who the fuck havent had a bad dota period in their caree? I played horrible in MET, not long ago Maelk was really rusty for MYM, now he is back shining. Splitting up the comunity btw 2 games, one with an international competion and one with and EU competion, makes us EU players suffer the biggest lose. How are we to compete with the asians when we have to fill the gap of good players leaving the scene with people who are not rdy to play the high lvl game.
Sure HON proberly has some benefits, but I really doubt that its the main reason behind choosing it, especially with icefrog annoucing that he will make dota2 as an individual game. A lot of the strongest HON players commited big part of their caree to dota and keept in the same genere as dota, but took the easy step, why is that? Is it money? I think its because we are big pussies and cant handle a little set back. For me you guys are traitors to EU and to icefrog. He made a game you grew to love, you see problems in the game, but none of you did anything in particular to help solve the problems, you bailed him and changed horse when the big company came out with their product. Weak commitment.
Anyway its all seen before and funny enouth same shit happend for EU with cs and cs source. The players that had a though time getting to the top in cs choose to go to cs source where they could be the best. sure if you ask them they will just reply like you guys will reply this "graphic is better, it increases gameplay". pussies.
Dota has a bright future ahead of it with a lot of development atm, and the asian and EU scene is closer now then its ever been. But for EU not to lose this battle people have to grow some balls and fight when times are hard and not always just choose the easy way.
Its up to the community, the top players, the supporting webpages and icefrog ofcours to speak out their mind so HON and the big ass millionair faggot who has to put in the extra money to make HON more cool then dota, is not gonna take over the game people truely loves. Dreamhack is a buch of pussies and we should let them know. Hon already took a major offensive against DOTA, and so far we just let it be that way, cause what can common gamers and people like us do against a big company and a lot of money. Let me tell you. You can stand your ground as a lover of the game as a player as a newswriter or as an investor, we choose if EU dota shall contenue or just give up before the fight even started. So whatever happens keep it cool, support the true game, support the true competion you can do it from every position in the dota community.
Peace out (forgive my eng)
Sure HON proberly has some benefits, but I really doubt that its the main reason behind choosing it, especially with icefrog annoucing that he will make dota2 as an individual game. A lot of the strongest HON players commited big part of their caree to dota and keept in the same genere as dota, but took the easy step, why is that? Is it money? I think its because we are big pussies and cant handle a little set back. For me you guys are traitors to EU and to icefrog. He made a game you grew to love, you see problems in the game, but none of you did anything in particular to help solve the problems, you bailed him and changed horse when the big company came out with their product. Weak commitment.
Anyway its all seen before and funny enouth same shit happend for EU with cs and cs source. The players that had a though time getting to the top in cs choose to go to cs source where they could be the best. sure if you ask them they will just reply like you guys will reply this "graphic is better, it increases gameplay". pussies.
Dota has a bright future ahead of it with a lot of development atm, and the asian and EU scene is closer now then its ever been. But for EU not to lose this battle people have to grow some balls and fight when times are hard and not always just choose the easy way.
Its up to the community, the top players, the supporting webpages and icefrog ofcours to speak out their mind so HON and the big ass millionair faggot who has to put in the extra money to make HON more cool then dota, is not gonna take over the game people truely loves. Dreamhack is a buch of pussies and we should let them know. Hon already took a major offensive against DOTA, and so far we just let it be that way, cause what can common gamers and people like us do against a big company and a lot of money. Let me tell you. You can stand your ground as a lover of the game as a player as a newswriter or as an investor, we choose if EU dota shall contenue or just give up before the fight even started. So whatever happens keep it cool, support the true game, support the true competion you can do it from every position in the dota community.
Peace out (forgive my eng)
mandag den 17. maj 2010
I'm Back
First of all sorry for my sloppy comitment to my blog the past month.
A lot has happend since I posted here last time, not only on the scene generally but for the team (DDT), we choose to release Miggel and Angel. And now I'm proud to annouce our new recruits that will help us to reach new hights, Pajkat and Twisted. Twisted has been seen a lot for our team the past time, Pajkat have been playing with the past time and we are all impressed. It's two solid players both with diff forces. Twisted is a solid support player and in genneral a strong teamplayer. Pajkat has a great game understanding, hes been seen with a lot top teams the past year, but had a hard time fitting with them. But with loda and pajkat together I doubt it will be a problem. In common for both they been friends of the team for a long time, so we already know each other quite well. As for a site note, what happend with the rooster change has been a decition the team made together and not cause there's been any big problems, its simply cause we think this will pay out in the long run. I wish both Angel and Miggel gl finding a new home and hope to see them very soon again. We also decided to add a manager as in Broesly, his been happy to help the team for some time now, and paid a lot of attention to our team. He is very relaxed guy not sticking his nose to deep and we respect him for that. I'm especially happy about adding a manager, now I dont have to run around doing everything :D. Glad to have you on the team.
The recent time the team has been playing up and down, but after yesterdays game vs Competo we had a talk about goals and comitment towards the team. Feelings has been mixed, none the less DDT has been together for ages and our talk really got the excitment back. We will hopefully be reborn soon, and with ESWC annoucing 5 more invites we have something to aim for. The team has a hard time infront of us, we need to prac hard and fight hard together to make our game perfect again ":D",luckyly everyone agree on this so now that our spirit is restored we wont take any game easyly anymore, and our aim will once again be to face the asians, this time in top shape!!!.
I would like to say sorry to our fans for our 2 place in farm4fame and for the episode yesterday, but fear not we wont give up that easy. Please welcome our new guys to the team and lets aim together to win ESWC!!!! It's defently a goal we can reach with this squad!!. Thx for the support!!
Ahead of us is MYM in Pickleague, we will show you our comitment!!
Peace out
A lot has happend since I posted here last time, not only on the scene generally but for the team (DDT), we choose to release Miggel and Angel. And now I'm proud to annouce our new recruits that will help us to reach new hights, Pajkat and Twisted. Twisted has been seen a lot for our team the past time, Pajkat have been playing with the past time and we are all impressed. It's two solid players both with diff forces. Twisted is a solid support player and in genneral a strong teamplayer. Pajkat has a great game understanding, hes been seen with a lot top teams the past year, but had a hard time fitting with them. But with loda and pajkat together I doubt it will be a problem. In common for both they been friends of the team for a long time, so we already know each other quite well. As for a site note, what happend with the rooster change has been a decition the team made together and not cause there's been any big problems, its simply cause we think this will pay out in the long run. I wish both Angel and Miggel gl finding a new home and hope to see them very soon again. We also decided to add a manager as in Broesly, his been happy to help the team for some time now, and paid a lot of attention to our team. He is very relaxed guy not sticking his nose to deep and we respect him for that. I'm especially happy about adding a manager, now I dont have to run around doing everything :D. Glad to have you on the team.
The recent time the team has been playing up and down, but after yesterdays game vs Competo we had a talk about goals and comitment towards the team. Feelings has been mixed, none the less DDT has been together for ages and our talk really got the excitment back. We will hopefully be reborn soon, and with ESWC annoucing 5 more invites we have something to aim for. The team has a hard time infront of us, we need to prac hard and fight hard together to make our game perfect again ":D",luckyly everyone agree on this so now that our spirit is restored we wont take any game easyly anymore, and our aim will once again be to face the asians, this time in top shape!!!.
I would like to say sorry to our fans for our 2 place in farm4fame and for the episode yesterday, but fear not we wont give up that easy. Please welcome our new guys to the team and lets aim together to win ESWC!!!! It's defently a goal we can reach with this squad!!. Thx for the support!!
Ahead of us is MYM in Pickleague, we will show you our comitment!!
Peace out
torsdag den 1. april 2010
I'm back, still a happy man, happy beeing able to play with so nice and skilled people everyday, and our win against nirvana left us with an awesome feeling. Yet I'm still a bit worried, must say they were stronger then I expected. Was three very good games, my team whined abit about outpick first game, but they kinda sucked dick first game too, so to blame picks must be the easiest :). Anyway not gonna talk about our games vs nirvana, just want to say I'm already looking forward to our next encounter.
First of all I would like to say thx to the people responding to my question about the hero kunka, I'm hoping and aim to bring you guys more into the discution, so if you have any ideas or wishes don't hesitate to tell me. Won't promish that I will look into the case though.
I will start today speaking about my thoughts about the hero kunka. I personally see the hero as an overrated hero (my team doesn't share this opinion though). The hero it self benefits the overall team a lot, the ship, the high dps and the carry potential. Problem is the hero is rated very highly and therefor picked very early, and as I see it range carry > melee carry. Kunka needs a lot of attention, it needs a strong supporter to lane with, and the supporter can't really help in other lanes, cause if you leave kunka alone it will have a struggel. The hero is not that fitted for ganking it self, you need to move to were he is to get good ganks. When kunka is picked fast mb as 1 or 2 pick the enemy team will have an easy time predicting how you will lane and play with kunka, and its easy to counter on lane. The supporter that lanes with kunka will be very fragile in many cases, since if he is fokused the kunka need to hit a torrent to defend the weak supporter. A torrent is easy to avoid in many cases, and a team thats already imobised by having 2 heros stuck on a lane (kunka and supporter) will have a hard time moving to help them. To prove my point a bit, during picks, if kunka is picked high, you will already have shown one of your melees to the oponent, so picking a sven or sk right after is hard, since that would bring you in trouble for your last picks. Therefor if not banned there is a high posibility that the enemy is having at least one of these 2 strong iniciaters. In some cases you can shut down kunka entierly by putting a 3 lane against him, and kunka really needs the farm to benefit the team. I still think kunka can be picked, but for me it really depends on the situation, if you pick him to high I personally see a big risk and in most cases you will be outpicked. You can ofcours try your self to 3 lane with kunka and it works in some cases, but 3v3 when you got kunka and they got sven, id say the odds are against you. Only supporter that really fits kunka is venge in my opinion, and it can be really hard to get both of them, and you will have to play perfekt the first lvls, and kill your opponents for venge to be able to roam afterwards. Kunka can in some cases be used solo mid and can in some cases be a good pick, but as first or second pick I don't like him, he is simply to weak in lane phase, and your team will pay for it if you don't rape lanes and the early game.
Now that he is out of my world, id like to talk a little about the top teams, as I see them. Right now the scene is very active and I'm glad to see that a lot of teams found their fighting spirit again. DTS seem to be back in shape, and I'm thrilled and happy to see them beeing able to put in use of their qualities. It's a team worthy to challenge the top, and I hope to play them at their best. We gonna face them in our next pl match, and I hope it will be a good game. TR looks very promishing aswell, with their addition of players like beast and pajkatt. Beast is a monster and a very solid player. If they can keep pgg sober and do some scrims it will be a team to look out for. They have been scrimming some lately and I wish them the best luck. Competo is a team putting a lot effort into the game lately and I'm sure they will reach result soon, its a team with great spirit. I hope they won't make the same mistake as nfinty did back in the days. I was a big fan of nfinity, but they split up after great succes, people got to big egos and were drafted to powerhouse DMZ. I personally think nfinity was the best ger team we had the past 2 years. Before them was Raptor, a team that did well before they became dmz. For Competo to have succes they will have to stick together and fight together, lose or win doesn't matter as long as the spirit is there. And right now its a team with a lot of spirit. My next game analyse will be of Competo's next game, I made a promish with "blowme" about this. Vanity is a new formed team of old SGC players and old esuba players, I hope they will hang in there and take some of the spirit from the old team with them, I don't expect to see much from this team right away, but maybe they will strike back after some time of scrimming. Teg and Lan has disapointed me a bit lately, teams with hugh names, but not bringing good results. Teg is a special case though, I don't know much about them other then its a team that plays really epic in periods and in other periods looses all. Maybe they are just having a relax time :). Lan on the other hand seem to be very active, and they actually do pretty well when facing strong teams, but they fail hard when facing teams they should beat on the paper. Its a mystery for me how a team of that caliber can be this unstable. I hope they will pull them self together soon and once again show some of the amazing play I know they can produce. Rather unknown teams to look out for would be the swedish teams, yb and Druidz. Some of the strongest swedish players are currently in these teams. Nyllet, pinoy and wagamama is all players in my eyes capable of playing on the highest level in dota. Int exl and gosu might have a bright future too, time will tell if they are willing to put the effort and time it takes into it, to mix with the best. Dips and AAA seems to be at a standstill atm, but I hope they will find new spirit to fight with soon. This is ofcourse only as I personally see the scene atm, I wish all teams gl, and I hope to see more top teams soon, so we can get a real competion in EU like they have in Asia.
Remember if you guys have anything on your mind, please state it and I will see if I can find time and interest to look into it.
First of all I would like to say thx to the people responding to my question about the hero kunka, I'm hoping and aim to bring you guys more into the discution, so if you have any ideas or wishes don't hesitate to tell me. Won't promish that I will look into the case though.
I will start today speaking about my thoughts about the hero kunka. I personally see the hero as an overrated hero (my team doesn't share this opinion though). The hero it self benefits the overall team a lot, the ship, the high dps and the carry potential. Problem is the hero is rated very highly and therefor picked very early, and as I see it range carry > melee carry. Kunka needs a lot of attention, it needs a strong supporter to lane with, and the supporter can't really help in other lanes, cause if you leave kunka alone it will have a struggel. The hero is not that fitted for ganking it self, you need to move to were he is to get good ganks. When kunka is picked fast mb as 1 or 2 pick the enemy team will have an easy time predicting how you will lane and play with kunka, and its easy to counter on lane. The supporter that lanes with kunka will be very fragile in many cases, since if he is fokused the kunka need to hit a torrent to defend the weak supporter. A torrent is easy to avoid in many cases, and a team thats already imobised by having 2 heros stuck on a lane (kunka and supporter) will have a hard time moving to help them. To prove my point a bit, during picks, if kunka is picked high, you will already have shown one of your melees to the oponent, so picking a sven or sk right after is hard, since that would bring you in trouble for your last picks. Therefor if not banned there is a high posibility that the enemy is having at least one of these 2 strong iniciaters. In some cases you can shut down kunka entierly by putting a 3 lane against him, and kunka really needs the farm to benefit the team. I still think kunka can be picked, but for me it really depends on the situation, if you pick him to high I personally see a big risk and in most cases you will be outpicked. You can ofcours try your self to 3 lane with kunka and it works in some cases, but 3v3 when you got kunka and they got sven, id say the odds are against you. Only supporter that really fits kunka is venge in my opinion, and it can be really hard to get both of them, and you will have to play perfekt the first lvls, and kill your opponents for venge to be able to roam afterwards. Kunka can in some cases be used solo mid and can in some cases be a good pick, but as first or second pick I don't like him, he is simply to weak in lane phase, and your team will pay for it if you don't rape lanes and the early game.
Now that he is out of my world, id like to talk a little about the top teams, as I see them. Right now the scene is very active and I'm glad to see that a lot of teams found their fighting spirit again. DTS seem to be back in shape, and I'm thrilled and happy to see them beeing able to put in use of their qualities. It's a team worthy to challenge the top, and I hope to play them at their best. We gonna face them in our next pl match, and I hope it will be a good game. TR looks very promishing aswell, with their addition of players like beast and pajkatt. Beast is a monster and a very solid player. If they can keep pgg sober and do some scrims it will be a team to look out for. They have been scrimming some lately and I wish them the best luck. Competo is a team putting a lot effort into the game lately and I'm sure they will reach result soon, its a team with great spirit. I hope they won't make the same mistake as nfinty did back in the days. I was a big fan of nfinity, but they split up after great succes, people got to big egos and were drafted to powerhouse DMZ. I personally think nfinity was the best ger team we had the past 2 years. Before them was Raptor, a team that did well before they became dmz. For Competo to have succes they will have to stick together and fight together, lose or win doesn't matter as long as the spirit is there. And right now its a team with a lot of spirit. My next game analyse will be of Competo's next game, I made a promish with "blowme" about this. Vanity is a new formed team of old SGC players and old esuba players, I hope they will hang in there and take some of the spirit from the old team with them, I don't expect to see much from this team right away, but maybe they will strike back after some time of scrimming. Teg and Lan has disapointed me a bit lately, teams with hugh names, but not bringing good results. Teg is a special case though, I don't know much about them other then its a team that plays really epic in periods and in other periods looses all. Maybe they are just having a relax time :). Lan on the other hand seem to be very active, and they actually do pretty well when facing strong teams, but they fail hard when facing teams they should beat on the paper. Its a mystery for me how a team of that caliber can be this unstable. I hope they will pull them self together soon and once again show some of the amazing play I know they can produce. Rather unknown teams to look out for would be the swedish teams, yb and Druidz. Some of the strongest swedish players are currently in these teams. Nyllet, pinoy and wagamama is all players in my eyes capable of playing on the highest level in dota. Int exl and gosu might have a bright future too, time will tell if they are willing to put the effort and time it takes into it, to mix with the best. Dips and AAA seems to be at a standstill atm, but I hope they will find new spirit to fight with soon. This is ofcourse only as I personally see the scene atm, I wish all teams gl, and I hope to see more top teams soon, so we can get a real competion in EU like they have in Asia.
Remember if you guys have anything on your mind, please state it and I will see if I can find time and interest to look into it.
søndag den 28. marts 2010
So today we played two games vs MYM, and we tried to play without one of our core players misery. How did this affekt us?
1 game - I think I selfowned us a bit during picks, personally I didn't want to pick the lion, but the team was really up for it. We got some weak lanes and we put them wrong. basicially we kinda got owned in all lanes, only dusa and panda got farm in the early game stage and we didn't really have heros to go on them. They picked smart, picking sk first pick while the rest of the core inciators was banned. Mym farmed well, and got their blink daggers fast, and took a lot of our towers down. I was left a little in the dark as maiden, couldn't do much. Our movement was sloppy, I think it was cause the picks didn't fit us too well, and we kinda made a lot of mistakes during the game. Some on the team was too offensiv while others as I see it played passiv - wich in this case was smartest. actually the situation in this game is quite the same as we saw in the OK vs MYM game 1, where MyM putting a lot of pressure on us, as they did vs OK. Defence is in almost every case the easiest to play and its shows in this game, MyM inciating on maiden (me) behind tower on top and loses the fight on it. Loda was outstanding this game, getting the maximum out of dusa, showing the true str of the hero. Playing without misery makes it easier to play passiv, but we lack a lot early game without him. As I said to the team before the game: "first game is without misery, we have to move, it will be hard without him". Guess we didn't succed that well :). Even though we played horrible in periods of the game, the people on this team is exp enouth to choose the right decisions in the end. We fought our team fights well, and we punished them the right times in the game. I would still go as far as saying this was DDT's worst game so far as DDT. Ofcourse MYM is a strong opponent, but I take most of the blame, cause our picks wasn't that well excecuted. If we had put maiden panda top, dusa mid, lion potm down I think we could have done better as misery mentioned after the game. Anyway we made to many mistakes, and that made the game too exciting. Btw pusher gave me no chance downlane to herras back, with that annoying pugna, mym played very well the early phase of the game. In the end I'm once again happy to be able to play with people like loda, who can turn a game we messed up around all alone and make us all look good. :D
2 game - This time our picks was really good, again team and I didn't totally agree with me, they wanted to ban sven, while I was scared of the pushing power in the hero pugna. Im happy I got to sit on the blue or pink collor, meaning I can use that power to make the final decision. So with the ban on sk, sven was a strong fp, Misery dropped during picks but yelled on vent "maybe its time to do our kotl storm lane". And boy I couldn't agree more, so storm and potm was picked, we had a nice setup for strong lanes. Rex was picked lp for us due to low time, but I regretted immediatly after (even though rex would be strong as shit too), ballanar was the better pick, and nice sportsman ship from MYM's side allowing us to change it. The game talk for it self, we played very well, only did few mistakes, but not game deciding. A fast decision to swap our raping downlane with top lane, made us own the annoying silencer aswell. Anyway DDT was back in shape 2 game, ofcourse you could say MYM was outpicked too, and that might not be a lie, but we punished them like they punished us 1 game, but there was no chance for them to get back in the game, so they decided to ff. A fair call. GG was two good games, too bad first game from our side, sorry for that.
I got a question for my readers. I been thinking a lot about heros the past time, and one hero I would like discuse with you. Is kunka worth picking as a high tire hero? (picking it fast). I won't answer my opinion right away, will save that for my next post. But think about the hero, and give me some arguments to why it should be picked fast or not (is it overrated or not).
Again sorry for my bad english hope you understand.
1 game - I think I selfowned us a bit during picks, personally I didn't want to pick the lion, but the team was really up for it. We got some weak lanes and we put them wrong. basicially we kinda got owned in all lanes, only dusa and panda got farm in the early game stage and we didn't really have heros to go on them. They picked smart, picking sk first pick while the rest of the core inciators was banned. Mym farmed well, and got their blink daggers fast, and took a lot of our towers down. I was left a little in the dark as maiden, couldn't do much. Our movement was sloppy, I think it was cause the picks didn't fit us too well, and we kinda made a lot of mistakes during the game. Some on the team was too offensiv while others as I see it played passiv - wich in this case was smartest. actually the situation in this game is quite the same as we saw in the OK vs MYM game 1, where MyM putting a lot of pressure on us, as they did vs OK. Defence is in almost every case the easiest to play and its shows in this game, MyM inciating on maiden (me) behind tower on top and loses the fight on it. Loda was outstanding this game, getting the maximum out of dusa, showing the true str of the hero. Playing without misery makes it easier to play passiv, but we lack a lot early game without him. As I said to the team before the game: "first game is without misery, we have to move, it will be hard without him". Guess we didn't succed that well :). Even though we played horrible in periods of the game, the people on this team is exp enouth to choose the right decisions in the end. We fought our team fights well, and we punished them the right times in the game. I would still go as far as saying this was DDT's worst game so far as DDT. Ofcourse MYM is a strong opponent, but I take most of the blame, cause our picks wasn't that well excecuted. If we had put maiden panda top, dusa mid, lion potm down I think we could have done better as misery mentioned after the game. Anyway we made to many mistakes, and that made the game too exciting. Btw pusher gave me no chance downlane to herras back, with that annoying pugna, mym played very well the early phase of the game. In the end I'm once again happy to be able to play with people like loda, who can turn a game we messed up around all alone and make us all look good. :D
2 game - This time our picks was really good, again team and I didn't totally agree with me, they wanted to ban sven, while I was scared of the pushing power in the hero pugna. Im happy I got to sit on the blue or pink collor, meaning I can use that power to make the final decision. So with the ban on sk, sven was a strong fp, Misery dropped during picks but yelled on vent "maybe its time to do our kotl storm lane". And boy I couldn't agree more, so storm and potm was picked, we had a nice setup for strong lanes. Rex was picked lp for us due to low time, but I regretted immediatly after (even though rex would be strong as shit too), ballanar was the better pick, and nice sportsman ship from MYM's side allowing us to change it. The game talk for it self, we played very well, only did few mistakes, but not game deciding. A fast decision to swap our raping downlane with top lane, made us own the annoying silencer aswell. Anyway DDT was back in shape 2 game, ofcourse you could say MYM was outpicked too, and that might not be a lie, but we punished them like they punished us 1 game, but there was no chance for them to get back in the game, so they decided to ff. A fair call. GG was two good games, too bad first game from our side, sorry for that.
I got a question for my readers. I been thinking a lot about heros the past time, and one hero I would like discuse with you. Is kunka worth picking as a high tire hero? (picking it fast). I won't answer my opinion right away, will save that for my next post. But think about the hero, and give me some arguments to why it should be picked fast or not (is it overrated or not).
Again sorry for my bad english hope you understand.
søndag den 21. marts 2010
What up with people?
a little more then a week ago I got asked to do an interview for mymym, I guess some people actually do find some of what I say interesting. Once again Gosugamers community (big part of EU dota community) is fast at judging. I answered the questions honestly, I mean why would I do an interview if I would hide something. Might sound cocky to some, but all I did was being honest. What ever people think of my game, I don't care about, I know im importan to my team and that noone can do what I does for DDT, but must say I'm a bit disapointed getting hated this much, for no reason as I see it. Some say I got cocky and not always been this way. Thats not true, I just never been in a team where I was this confident, I always spoke the truth, if I in unique didn't sounds as cocky as now its simply because I knew our limits. I wouldn't go state to the public that we were one of EU finest when we weren't. Now that I honestly think we are one of EU's finest, why am I not allowed to say so? Should I praise other teams when asked about them, if I don't think they earned any? Ofcourse i'm confidence, I have been given no reason not to be.
I make interviews for you, the community, but most of all to our supporters, does fans want to hear confidence or a cover up for a statement just to look good to the public eye? I open my own blog for you, the community, for people who want to know more and learn, for any fans I might have (don't know if thats the case). I start to understand more and more why some people refuse to make interviews, parts of our community is just sad people, useing every excuse given to hang out people. A lot speaks about me and other people without even having the slightest idea of who I am or the person they trash talk. More of these people never even played or spoke to me, and still if asked could write an essay about how bad, cocky and terrible person I am.
I know I wasn't "pro" when playing in "MET", wasn't the most easy part to play none the less my time there, I even was suprised when asked to join back in the days. Not playing dota for 4 months, and then straight into top lvl dota, welcome cruel world. I don't regret it though, but past is past, and who ever says I haven't deserved a role on this team must be blind or just fucking hating me for my past. Get over it. I consider my self one of the most honest players on the scene, not only towards the community, but to my self as well. I'm not trying to prove anything to you besides the results, I don't need to take on things I'm not cut out to do, I do what I'm best at, if thats being the sacrifice for my teammates to shine and own, then be it. You don't have to play a fabouls sf or morph to play dota on highest level. Sometime gameunderstanding, personality and spirit can be what a team needs. I don't want people to compare me to players lik misery or loda, cause I'm well aware of their skills, and wouldn't be fair to compare us. We don't offer the same to the team.
Damn straight I hope the community wakes up one day and stop the mean hate and change it to support of the team they like. If people commented "Ducky you are wrong, nirvana is going to teach you a lesson" it would be a cool comment, shows the support to the team you like, instead of commenting "stfu this fuking noob why people keep interview this fknoob :-?? he is the worse player i ever know ....." or if you don't like me getting interview say something like "I hope they soon do a interview with xxxx" I really see no reason for these stupid comments, many of them is not for sharing just personal attacks.
Now I'm no saint or angel sure I proberly did my share of hate, and made my mistakes aswell, so let me the first to appoligise.
Peace out.
I make interviews for you, the community, but most of all to our supporters, does fans want to hear confidence or a cover up for a statement just to look good to the public eye? I open my own blog for you, the community, for people who want to know more and learn, for any fans I might have (don't know if thats the case). I start to understand more and more why some people refuse to make interviews, parts of our community is just sad people, useing every excuse given to hang out people. A lot speaks about me and other people without even having the slightest idea of who I am or the person they trash talk. More of these people never even played or spoke to me, and still if asked could write an essay about how bad, cocky and terrible person I am.
I know I wasn't "pro" when playing in "MET", wasn't the most easy part to play none the less my time there, I even was suprised when asked to join back in the days. Not playing dota for 4 months, and then straight into top lvl dota, welcome cruel world. I don't regret it though, but past is past, and who ever says I haven't deserved a role on this team must be blind or just fucking hating me for my past. Get over it. I consider my self one of the most honest players on the scene, not only towards the community, but to my self as well. I'm not trying to prove anything to you besides the results, I don't need to take on things I'm not cut out to do, I do what I'm best at, if thats being the sacrifice for my teammates to shine and own, then be it. You don't have to play a fabouls sf or morph to play dota on highest level. Sometime gameunderstanding, personality and spirit can be what a team needs. I don't want people to compare me to players lik misery or loda, cause I'm well aware of their skills, and wouldn't be fair to compare us. We don't offer the same to the team.
Damn straight I hope the community wakes up one day and stop the mean hate and change it to support of the team they like. If people commented "Ducky you are wrong, nirvana is going to teach you a lesson" it would be a cool comment, shows the support to the team you like, instead of commenting "stfu this fuking noob why people keep interview this fknoob :-?? he is the worse player i ever know ....." or if you don't like me getting interview say something like "I hope they soon do a interview with xxxx" I really see no reason for these stupid comments, many of them is not for sharing just personal attacks.
Now I'm no saint or angel sure I proberly did my share of hate, and made my mistakes aswell, so let me the first to appoligise.
Peace out.
mandag den 15. marts 2010
DDT vs TR, DDT vs AAA, OK vs MYM and DDT vs Nirvana.int
I’m back after a short break from the writing (hasn’t been a lot moving these days).
Today I want to talk about 3 diff things, the MYM vs. OK games (yes OK again, seems like these guys take some headlines), Our 2 games today vs. TR and AAA, and I want to take a look on the upcoming games against Nirvana.int, how is our chances?
Well I will start out talking about our 2 superb games today. The game vs. AAA id say we where a bit surprised by them picking kunka 1 pick, when our plan was for them to pick vs. or sladar. This brought the idea of going for the strong -armor strategy up, yet then we didn’t pick sladar right away since it was highly likely that they wouldn’t pick it after picking kunka 1 pick - 2melee after 3 picks usually isn’t the way to pick. So instead we grabbed 2 of the strongest lane dominating hero’s potm and vs. After the picking phase the team was really confident, we felt like having the upper hand, and the lane play showed we where right. I haven’t seen how top lane went but must have gone pretty well, at least Azen and I shut down the morph completely leaving Azen to farm up sladar really fast. Our plan was to get daggers on sladar and templar really fast making us mobile for ganking with potm sladar and ts to catch the opponents. This worked out as it should and we left AAA no chances what so ever. I think our play today was near flawless, only few small mistakes was made, but they where not crucial.
The game vs. TR was another story, we picked a bit more passive hero’s, knowing Azen a man that can carry a team alone upon so small shoulders. We had small disagreements about the picks, but in the end I couldn’t stop picking the solo sandking. After the picks our plan was to help our 2 carry get their core items, pressure the enemy in top and mid lane as hard as possible to make this possible (miracles job as tidehunter). Angel was kinda left alone in the dark, plan was just for him to survive and grab as much as possible without risking to much, that he choose to go rape the lane alone instead is another story. When we put our lanes and think about how we can do best we always expect our opponents to play flawless as well, wasn’t the case and normally isn’t the case in EU that’s why even in a game like this where our solo drops after 14 min we manage to win every lane. Sloppy play by TR gave us the advances for free. Sad for them we are not a team not punishing people when they make mistakes, and we certainly did this game. Even if our plan was to farm up a bit secure our carry hero’s and then take them by force at mid-late game, they gave us the opportunity even 4v5 to rape them in both early and early-mid-game. This game too we play almost flawless sure some situations could have been done differently, I could have looked a bit more on the minimap top before getting killed by lion puck, but again its small mistakes that won‘t matter in the big picture if you just punish them even harder when they don‘t play as they should.
Later in my blog I would love to discuss when a replay deserves the mark of “RR”.
Now for the MYM vs. OK games, it’s not that I’m trying to hang out OK mentioning them every time in my blog, it simply seems like they draw a lot of attention towards them. I saw 4 of the games 1,2,4,5 I believe it was. The one with the roof I missed (happy for that) :D. Now a big part of the community loved the games “OK” won, they all had DRAMA, COMEBACK and mass action (team fights). How come DDT’s games never has these aspects? I’m not going to answer that question directly I bet most of you will be able to see it after reading my analyze of the games.
Game 1.
In my opinion MYM wins the picking phase, coming out with a lot of disable 2 of the best range carry hero’s, a great initiate hero that mania masters = a lot of potential owning void and dusa. I thought to my self, MYM is going to take the shit towers in no time put high pressure on them and by that winning the game. I was DEAD WRONG.
Looking at the first 10 min of the game:
MYM brings down baby for fb, and having a real strong start, Rasta is left in mid for free farm due to really horrible play by zeus in my humble opinion. Zeus constantly standing with 400 mana only using chain to spam creeps when he face a rasta with 3 tangos and a stick. Zeus not ganking and nor keeping rasta down as he should in my opinion. To passiv play from zeus in the early game. On the other hand smiske doing a awesome job top lane herrasing that sf keeping dusa to free farm, a dusa that simply doesn’t understand the power of the hero. Hitting no snakes on sf and misses way to many last hits, not buying treads when having gold. After smiskes perfect play top lane dusa is lvl 4 half way 5 and sf 2 half way 3 and dead. Knowing a sf has no chance what so ever standing lvl 3 vs. a lvl 5 dusa he calls for help. Pusher rushes to help leaving the dominating lane bottom. No idea what Drayich thought when a lvl 2 lion comes top, at least it scared it him so much that he choose to flee to his own tower leaving sf to farm lvl 5 before reaching lvl 6. Had this dusa been played by a player knowing what its capable of he would have sent pusher flying back to bottom lane. Drayich choosing to save money and not fighting back the lvl 2 lion results in sf coming back in the game, where he shouldn’t have been allowed in my opinion. Meanwhile downlane gets a few kills on sandking and potm even though id say they could have postioned a bit better killing void. None the less MYM winning all 3 lanes. Then pusher choose to run downlane again bring misfortune with him. He simply give away his life for nothing at all, bringing “OK” back downlane. Playmate should have more cs at this point too.
After 10 min mark Rasta is very farmed, sf got way more then he should, void got a few cs but nothing noticeable, again he should have died more, if potm could position him self better when sk stunned. And if Lion would have aided a bit more where he should. Lucky for MYM that zeus and dusa at this point fucked up so hard that MYM stands with the small advances even when they made few mistakes. Game turning into mid game MYM manage to take most of “OK” towers putting high pressure getting core items on their hero’s. Lakost manage to pick off a few hero’s on his own, playmate running to much around not getting much farm. Smiske saving as many as his teammates as possible. Drayich still not farming anything choosing to assist his team instead of farming up what he needs, Dusa at this point is of very limited use if not used as bait. Still he refuse to get treads that could have benefited him in many ways through early and early-mid game. After "OK" been but raped hard MYM makes some horrible team fights coordinating things horrible wrong. “OK” manage to stay in the game even if the farm they get are limited. At this point in my opinion its not “OK” playing well, its MYM fucking up. It was a won game they threw away several time from 15-25 min. At 26 min its easy to tell dusa is not a born carry player. Dusa ports to a dead tower instead of pushing the bot lane taking a free tower completing linken. Dusa did nothing top lane no reason to port in if they wont go anyway. Again in this fight smiske save “OK’s” ass by swapping baby out. After the little fight top “OK” choose to go for mid tower, atm their side lanes is pushed and there is massive farm to harvest for dusa or void. They realise this fact and again dusa wasted a lot of time running with the team instead of farming. Dusa runs right side farming 10 sek after choosing to run mid, MYM pulls out yet another horrible fight end up losing mid tower, but still “OK” should have gotten more out of situation, at this point DUSA could have had way more FARM. And in my opinion MYM focus the wrong hero. They keep focusing the VOID who basically does nothing with his vanguard and no attack speed. Fight a rosh, MYM fails yet again to execute their combo, Smiske plays fabulous winning the fight by splitting up the fight for MYM. Poor wd and tank void gets all focus, while zeus is set free to spam. No idea what MYM are thinking. Suddenly the game turns again MYM starting to win fights basically with no items changes, they finally manage to get off the fights well. No idea why they just didn’t do that 10 min earlier. None the less the reason why they still are allowed to do so, is cause “OK” didn’t manage to punish MYM enough for MYM’s mistakes. I mean seriously “OK” had so much farm running into their arms this game but dusa still without anything cause she’s been running confused around. None the less game ends soon after sf not able to outcarry void alone, potm simply to poor to help.
2 games MYM won they dominated the games, used their advances and punished “OK” as a top team should. Now I didn’t see the 3 game with roof so can’t talk about it, but 5 game is almost the same as 1 game for me, MYM fucking up badly “OK” not using their advances and the game turn late, “OK” having better carry for this and ends up winning. Just want to mention that in 5 game I was shocked over the bad inciates both teams did. Sladar almost lost “OK” the game jumping in without bkb trying to stun a sf in bkb charging ulti.
After watching 4 games I put it this way, MYM was the better team overall - Smiske won 1 game for “OK”, poor teamwork from a team known for its superb coordination made MYM loose, sad but in my point of view none the less the truth. I respect both teams and I do feel the games was exciting, not cause they where well played, more because the mistakes both teams made, did the games exciting. Only Player that proved a stable level through out the 4 games I saw was Smiske he truly played on a high lvl all these games, and is in my eyes the absolute MVP. MYM proved they still had what it takes to dominate in the 2 games they won, “OK” won and gratz to them for that, but to me they proved they still have a lot to work on. Nirvana and DDT would have punished them way harder these games. This proves none the less that more late game wins when 2 teams make too many fuckups. Could be the same case if 2 teams play superb with few small mistakes. I hope to prove that its not the case when we face nirvana in the f4f final soon. Our train will keep rolling as it did today, nirvana, TR, AAA the name doesn’t matter, I just hope nirvana will bring their A game so we can produce some “RR” for the community. Cause right now what people like is tight games, these are sadly only produced when a lot of mistakes are made or if a skilled team picks crappy picks against a not as skilled team.
Its not to sound overconfident or anything, no grudge against any players, but knowing your own limits, beeing selfcritik make better players, Draiych proved he could play wd in the other game, I just personally didn't like the dusa he played, for me it did nothing. I love to watch DDT games aswell spotting where we make mistakes and what we can do better, and when my teammates tell me I can improve I do all in my might to do so. A lot proberly hate me for talking about farm and talking about how a carry should be played when I don't personally play it, doesn't mean I don't understand it though, I just know my limits, and ricing isn't my force, im glad I got some good guys for that job.
Sorry for the super long post.
Today I want to talk about 3 diff things, the MYM vs. OK games (yes OK again, seems like these guys take some headlines), Our 2 games today vs. TR and AAA, and I want to take a look on the upcoming games against Nirvana.int, how is our chances?
Well I will start out talking about our 2 superb games today. The game vs. AAA id say we where a bit surprised by them picking kunka 1 pick, when our plan was for them to pick vs. or sladar. This brought the idea of going for the strong -armor strategy up, yet then we didn’t pick sladar right away since it was highly likely that they wouldn’t pick it after picking kunka 1 pick - 2melee after 3 picks usually isn’t the way to pick. So instead we grabbed 2 of the strongest lane dominating hero’s potm and vs. After the picking phase the team was really confident, we felt like having the upper hand, and the lane play showed we where right. I haven’t seen how top lane went but must have gone pretty well, at least Azen and I shut down the morph completely leaving Azen to farm up sladar really fast. Our plan was to get daggers on sladar and templar really fast making us mobile for ganking with potm sladar and ts to catch the opponents. This worked out as it should and we left AAA no chances what so ever. I think our play today was near flawless, only few small mistakes was made, but they where not crucial.
The game vs. TR was another story, we picked a bit more passive hero’s, knowing Azen a man that can carry a team alone upon so small shoulders. We had small disagreements about the picks, but in the end I couldn’t stop picking the solo sandking. After the picks our plan was to help our 2 carry get their core items, pressure the enemy in top and mid lane as hard as possible to make this possible (miracles job as tidehunter). Angel was kinda left alone in the dark, plan was just for him to survive and grab as much as possible without risking to much, that he choose to go rape the lane alone instead is another story. When we put our lanes and think about how we can do best we always expect our opponents to play flawless as well, wasn’t the case and normally isn’t the case in EU that’s why even in a game like this where our solo drops after 14 min we manage to win every lane. Sloppy play by TR gave us the advances for free. Sad for them we are not a team not punishing people when they make mistakes, and we certainly did this game. Even if our plan was to farm up a bit secure our carry hero’s and then take them by force at mid-late game, they gave us the opportunity even 4v5 to rape them in both early and early-mid-game. This game too we play almost flawless sure some situations could have been done differently, I could have looked a bit more on the minimap top before getting killed by lion puck, but again its small mistakes that won‘t matter in the big picture if you just punish them even harder when they don‘t play as they should.
Later in my blog I would love to discuss when a replay deserves the mark of “RR”.
Now for the MYM vs. OK games, it’s not that I’m trying to hang out OK mentioning them every time in my blog, it simply seems like they draw a lot of attention towards them. I saw 4 of the games 1,2,4,5 I believe it was. The one with the roof I missed (happy for that) :D. Now a big part of the community loved the games “OK” won, they all had DRAMA, COMEBACK and mass action (team fights). How come DDT’s games never has these aspects? I’m not going to answer that question directly I bet most of you will be able to see it after reading my analyze of the games.
Game 1.
In my opinion MYM wins the picking phase, coming out with a lot of disable 2 of the best range carry hero’s, a great initiate hero that mania masters = a lot of potential owning void and dusa. I thought to my self, MYM is going to take the shit towers in no time put high pressure on them and by that winning the game. I was DEAD WRONG.
Looking at the first 10 min of the game:
MYM brings down baby for fb, and having a real strong start, Rasta is left in mid for free farm due to really horrible play by zeus in my humble opinion. Zeus constantly standing with 400 mana only using chain to spam creeps when he face a rasta with 3 tangos and a stick. Zeus not ganking and nor keeping rasta down as he should in my opinion. To passiv play from zeus in the early game. On the other hand smiske doing a awesome job top lane herrasing that sf keeping dusa to free farm, a dusa that simply doesn’t understand the power of the hero. Hitting no snakes on sf and misses way to many last hits, not buying treads when having gold. After smiskes perfect play top lane dusa is lvl 4 half way 5 and sf 2 half way 3 and dead. Knowing a sf has no chance what so ever standing lvl 3 vs. a lvl 5 dusa he calls for help. Pusher rushes to help leaving the dominating lane bottom. No idea what Drayich thought when a lvl 2 lion comes top, at least it scared it him so much that he choose to flee to his own tower leaving sf to farm lvl 5 before reaching lvl 6. Had this dusa been played by a player knowing what its capable of he would have sent pusher flying back to bottom lane. Drayich choosing to save money and not fighting back the lvl 2 lion results in sf coming back in the game, where he shouldn’t have been allowed in my opinion. Meanwhile downlane gets a few kills on sandking and potm even though id say they could have postioned a bit better killing void. None the less MYM winning all 3 lanes. Then pusher choose to run downlane again bring misfortune with him. He simply give away his life for nothing at all, bringing “OK” back downlane. Playmate should have more cs at this point too.
After 10 min mark Rasta is very farmed, sf got way more then he should, void got a few cs but nothing noticeable, again he should have died more, if potm could position him self better when sk stunned. And if Lion would have aided a bit more where he should. Lucky for MYM that zeus and dusa at this point fucked up so hard that MYM stands with the small advances even when they made few mistakes. Game turning into mid game MYM manage to take most of “OK” towers putting high pressure getting core items on their hero’s. Lakost manage to pick off a few hero’s on his own, playmate running to much around not getting much farm. Smiske saving as many as his teammates as possible. Drayich still not farming anything choosing to assist his team instead of farming up what he needs, Dusa at this point is of very limited use if not used as bait. Still he refuse to get treads that could have benefited him in many ways through early and early-mid game. After "OK" been but raped hard MYM makes some horrible team fights coordinating things horrible wrong. “OK” manage to stay in the game even if the farm they get are limited. At this point in my opinion its not “OK” playing well, its MYM fucking up. It was a won game they threw away several time from 15-25 min. At 26 min its easy to tell dusa is not a born carry player. Dusa ports to a dead tower instead of pushing the bot lane taking a free tower completing linken. Dusa did nothing top lane no reason to port in if they wont go anyway. Again in this fight smiske save “OK’s” ass by swapping baby out. After the little fight top “OK” choose to go for mid tower, atm their side lanes is pushed and there is massive farm to harvest for dusa or void. They realise this fact and again dusa wasted a lot of time running with the team instead of farming. Dusa runs right side farming 10 sek after choosing to run mid, MYM pulls out yet another horrible fight end up losing mid tower, but still “OK” should have gotten more out of situation, at this point DUSA could have had way more FARM. And in my opinion MYM focus the wrong hero. They keep focusing the VOID who basically does nothing with his vanguard and no attack speed. Fight a rosh, MYM fails yet again to execute their combo, Smiske plays fabulous winning the fight by splitting up the fight for MYM. Poor wd and tank void gets all focus, while zeus is set free to spam. No idea what MYM are thinking. Suddenly the game turns again MYM starting to win fights basically with no items changes, they finally manage to get off the fights well. No idea why they just didn’t do that 10 min earlier. None the less the reason why they still are allowed to do so, is cause “OK” didn’t manage to punish MYM enough for MYM’s mistakes. I mean seriously “OK” had so much farm running into their arms this game but dusa still without anything cause she’s been running confused around. None the less game ends soon after sf not able to outcarry void alone, potm simply to poor to help.
2 games MYM won they dominated the games, used their advances and punished “OK” as a top team should. Now I didn’t see the 3 game with roof so can’t talk about it, but 5 game is almost the same as 1 game for me, MYM fucking up badly “OK” not using their advances and the game turn late, “OK” having better carry for this and ends up winning. Just want to mention that in 5 game I was shocked over the bad inciates both teams did. Sladar almost lost “OK” the game jumping in without bkb trying to stun a sf in bkb charging ulti.
After watching 4 games I put it this way, MYM was the better team overall - Smiske won 1 game for “OK”, poor teamwork from a team known for its superb coordination made MYM loose, sad but in my point of view none the less the truth. I respect both teams and I do feel the games was exciting, not cause they where well played, more because the mistakes both teams made, did the games exciting. Only Player that proved a stable level through out the 4 games I saw was Smiske he truly played on a high lvl all these games, and is in my eyes the absolute MVP. MYM proved they still had what it takes to dominate in the 2 games they won, “OK” won and gratz to them for that, but to me they proved they still have a lot to work on. Nirvana and DDT would have punished them way harder these games. This proves none the less that more late game wins when 2 teams make too many fuckups. Could be the same case if 2 teams play superb with few small mistakes. I hope to prove that its not the case when we face nirvana in the f4f final soon. Our train will keep rolling as it did today, nirvana, TR, AAA the name doesn’t matter, I just hope nirvana will bring their A game so we can produce some “RR” for the community. Cause right now what people like is tight games, these are sadly only produced when a lot of mistakes are made or if a skilled team picks crappy picks against a not as skilled team.
Its not to sound overconfident or anything, no grudge against any players, but knowing your own limits, beeing selfcritik make better players, Draiych proved he could play wd in the other game, I just personally didn't like the dusa he played, for me it did nothing. I love to watch DDT games aswell spotting where we make mistakes and what we can do better, and when my teammates tell me I can improve I do all in my might to do so. A lot proberly hate me for talking about farm and talking about how a carry should be played when I don't personally play it, doesn't mean I don't understand it though, I just know my limits, and ricing isn't my force, im glad I got some good guys for that job.
Sorry for the super long post.
fredag den 5. marts 2010
To help people understand
Cause of the recent happenings, I choose to write a fast reply. First of all I’ really starting to get tired of people quoting me wrong or choose to misunderstand me when they see a opportunity to make a ruckus out of my writing.
Too name 2 situations:
First this news writer that interviewed Mania quoted me wrong leading to massive hate from MYM supporters. I never said if people read my interview that Miggel and Angel never got the heros they wanted, I didn’t even name Angel in this scenario. I said that Miggel often was choosed to play the last hero and it was a hard role to have.
Now gosugamers once again quote me wrong leading to new haters. I apparently said that Dray's opinion on Magic Stick was because of TheSHIT!'s inability to farm. As far as I can read in my own blog I didn’t even mention the shits farm ability and magic stick in the same sentence or even close too. I said that Drayich view on the version was cause of their lack of ability to farm. Since people don’t understand what I’m saying and what I mean by saying it. I would like to prove to you that I’m right.
To bring a PERFECT example to you guys not understanding that dota is more then winning the early game stage, pls take a look at this replay: http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/replays/28545
Yes you are right this is the game we played vs. THE SHIT. To make it clear to all of you I’ going to make my analyses on this game.
The shit winning the early game by far punishing us in every lane. So why didn’t they win? Now a lot of you would properly just agree with Drayich and say cause farm > gank. But I don’t, they lost big parts of the game cause they weren’t able to use the advances they made. To take a good example the wind runner facing Dusa had a 2-0 advances, still managed to get out farmed by a dusa under pressure. Is this cause Dusa is TOO IMBA? Or is it because LODA’s > Synderen’s farming skills? Now I’m just asking cause I’m confused about people blaming the hero’s that are called late gamers to be imba. Top lane was going so well for TS as well but they must have missed some last hits and they didn’t put nearly enough pressure on our tower when chances occurred, they simply let us have our towers at full HP even though they had several chances of damaging them. This way we had a easy time defending our towers when TS choose to 5 man push our full hp towers, we could tp in late and that way get maximum out of our farm. Game entered mid game and TS still had the advances, now they choose to 5 man gank and skip the farming part wards owning them. Is this because wards is overpowered? Or is it because they where too slow planting wards so they could counter us? And was it the best decision to go 5 man ganking when there was a high risk of us having wards? This is where they lose the game, they simply make wrong decisions, and now Drayich is trying to point out what is imbalanced in the version and that you don’t get enough out of ganking? They had every chance in this game but they lagged the ability to analyze the game proper. They managed to get out farmed where they should out farm us, they didn’t use the advances to take down towers fast put wards correctly. DDT > TS in this case its not because dusa is imba hero or because Drayich didn’t get imba items with his jugger cause he did get a damn lot of gold for killing hero’s he should just have considered chilling with the ganking for a few min and leave to others and farm up some core items.
Now I actually rather have people see these things them self, and make them think more about what dota really is. That would make a lot teams better, and it feels wrong giving out great exp like this to teams who should do this them self. But im tired of beeing misunderstood and quoted wrong hated on cause of that, so this is my gift to you take it or leave it.
Too name 2 situations:
First this news writer that interviewed Mania quoted me wrong leading to massive hate from MYM supporters. I never said if people read my interview that Miggel and Angel never got the heros they wanted, I didn’t even name Angel in this scenario. I said that Miggel often was choosed to play the last hero and it was a hard role to have.
Now gosugamers once again quote me wrong leading to new haters. I apparently said that Dray's opinion on Magic Stick was because of TheSHIT!'s inability to farm. As far as I can read in my own blog I didn’t even mention the shits farm ability and magic stick in the same sentence or even close too. I said that Drayich view on the version was cause of their lack of ability to farm. Since people don’t understand what I’m saying and what I mean by saying it. I would like to prove to you that I’m right.
To bring a PERFECT example to you guys not understanding that dota is more then winning the early game stage, pls take a look at this replay: http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/replays/28545
Yes you are right this is the game we played vs. THE SHIT. To make it clear to all of you I’ going to make my analyses on this game.
The shit winning the early game by far punishing us in every lane. So why didn’t they win? Now a lot of you would properly just agree with Drayich and say cause farm > gank. But I don’t, they lost big parts of the game cause they weren’t able to use the advances they made. To take a good example the wind runner facing Dusa had a 2-0 advances, still managed to get out farmed by a dusa under pressure. Is this cause Dusa is TOO IMBA? Or is it because LODA’s > Synderen’s farming skills? Now I’m just asking cause I’m confused about people blaming the hero’s that are called late gamers to be imba. Top lane was going so well for TS as well but they must have missed some last hits and they didn’t put nearly enough pressure on our tower when chances occurred, they simply let us have our towers at full HP even though they had several chances of damaging them. This way we had a easy time defending our towers when TS choose to 5 man push our full hp towers, we could tp in late and that way get maximum out of our farm. Game entered mid game and TS still had the advances, now they choose to 5 man gank and skip the farming part wards owning them. Is this because wards is overpowered? Or is it because they where too slow planting wards so they could counter us? And was it the best decision to go 5 man ganking when there was a high risk of us having wards? This is where they lose the game, they simply make wrong decisions, and now Drayich is trying to point out what is imbalanced in the version and that you don’t get enough out of ganking? They had every chance in this game but they lagged the ability to analyze the game proper. They managed to get out farmed where they should out farm us, they didn’t use the advances to take down towers fast put wards correctly. DDT > TS in this case its not because dusa is imba hero or because Drayich didn’t get imba items with his jugger cause he did get a damn lot of gold for killing hero’s he should just have considered chilling with the ganking for a few min and leave to others and farm up some core items.
Now I actually rather have people see these things them self, and make them think more about what dota really is. That would make a lot teams better, and it feels wrong giving out great exp like this to teams who should do this them self. But im tired of beeing misunderstood and quoted wrong hated on cause of that, so this is my gift to you take it or leave it.
torsdag den 4. marts 2010
Disagreement about Drayich view on the version
So Drayich is once again out pointing fingers, and this time funny enough he critic’s the part of the gameplay I see The-Shit lagging the most. The farm ability. I’m just going to state my opinion on this matter and about this version. Finally Ice Frog managed to put up a version where most hero’s are able to get used, agi str int doesn’t matter most hero’s have their forces and a lot can be used in special occasions. Drayich talk about gaining more gold for hero kills wanting to go a bit back so we can get more kills and stuff, this would mean removing a lot of the current agi hero’s from the game as I see it, and not really bringing any new into the gameplay. Right now dota is not only about the movement on the map, the talk on the vent, the sync of the team its about beeing strategies, using what ever mean to win, just like any other game. You don’t cry in Counterstrike cause CT can camp at bomb spots, you deal with it. I think this version challenge teams to think more, to make up strats working against other strats finding the right gameplay against diff sort of strats. Like there are diff type of gank hero’s if you like to play with massive gankers. Some of them are capable of doing well as late gamer as well as ganker, to point one out for people confused as Drayich (SVEN), others benefit your team fight ability beside of beeing really strong during the early stage of the game, I point out one more for the people confused (sand king) I only name one but there is a lot more, but its up to you to use the brain as well to think a bit.
Drayich talks about giving more credit to the hero killers and the team killing so you can get stronger faster. Again I disagree, there is a reason why you name hero’s in category’s “Support, Gank and Carry”. Sure a support can be used as a gank hero and a gank hero as a carry and the other way around and all heros can be used diff but none the less if you are smart, you pick gank hero’s to kill the enemy for them to lose gold and secure you own carry. That’s the ability of a gank hero. That’s why people pick from all taverns now a day. You need all the diff roles, and that’s a challenge, a nice one.
I would like to bring up an example:
In EU its very popular to play with a lot of gank hero’s mainly cause most teams suck at farming so you just have to punish the other teams late gamer few times to secure the game. Our game in f4f against Tribal.int you see Tribal.int going for 3 late gamers and their gameplan is to turtle and win late game. They have 2 heros supporting these 3 carry hero’s while we on the other hand choose only 1 carry hero and 4 hero’s to gank and secure our carry. The result, our carry got all the farm needed to rape the game in a very early stage of the game, their carry’s got almost nothing cause their 2 supports got run over by 4 hero’s. A plan is made from both teams, and in this case the ganking one winning, cause its well executed. You need to have a gameplan to succed your way of playing and if you got that im sure every possible way of playing dota is possible, if Tribal choosen maybe only 2 carry heros and 1 more on the support part im sure they would have done a better job. Pappa Drayich its all about reading the situation, if you can’t farm then its about time you learn it, cause farming is a part of the gameplay in dota.
Just want to say a last thing about this matter, I don’t like you saying dota has got more booring to watch compared to 48.b. You are right about first team to get blink wins in 48.b. If ice frog choose to listen to you, the gameplay will look like this. Team winning early game wins the game. Win your lanes and you won the game. I don’t like it I think you gain SO MUCH already killing hero ganking, and its damn entertaining to see a team fight its way back into a game after beeing completely raped in the early game phase. Facts are these, you need to master all 3 phases of the game to win a game of dota. Maybe instead of crying about what is unstable in one of the best versions made you should sit down think a bit about what you could do better to master the mid game and late game aspects for your team. Everyone should so we could rice the level.
Concerning the magic stick, the item is indeed one of the best atm, if it’d to be changed for a more fair item there should be put a time delay on the charge receiving. If to make an example kotl charges wave the magic stick will first get its charge 2 seconds after. Same if you get stunned you will first receive your charge 2 seconds after. This way people cant use magic stick as radar spotting gank, dodging arrows and all that crap. And you can’t use it as a instant save. It would still be a very strong item, but would balance the lane phase a bit more.
Drayich talks about giving more credit to the hero killers and the team killing so you can get stronger faster. Again I disagree, there is a reason why you name hero’s in category’s “Support, Gank and Carry”. Sure a support can be used as a gank hero and a gank hero as a carry and the other way around and all heros can be used diff but none the less if you are smart, you pick gank hero’s to kill the enemy for them to lose gold and secure you own carry. That’s the ability of a gank hero. That’s why people pick from all taverns now a day. You need all the diff roles, and that’s a challenge, a nice one.
I would like to bring up an example:
In EU its very popular to play with a lot of gank hero’s mainly cause most teams suck at farming so you just have to punish the other teams late gamer few times to secure the game. Our game in f4f against Tribal.int you see Tribal.int going for 3 late gamers and their gameplan is to turtle and win late game. They have 2 heros supporting these 3 carry hero’s while we on the other hand choose only 1 carry hero and 4 hero’s to gank and secure our carry. The result, our carry got all the farm needed to rape the game in a very early stage of the game, their carry’s got almost nothing cause their 2 supports got run over by 4 hero’s. A plan is made from both teams, and in this case the ganking one winning, cause its well executed. You need to have a gameplan to succed your way of playing and if you got that im sure every possible way of playing dota is possible, if Tribal choosen maybe only 2 carry heros and 1 more on the support part im sure they would have done a better job. Pappa Drayich its all about reading the situation, if you can’t farm then its about time you learn it, cause farming is a part of the gameplay in dota.
Just want to say a last thing about this matter, I don’t like you saying dota has got more booring to watch compared to 48.b. You are right about first team to get blink wins in 48.b. If ice frog choose to listen to you, the gameplay will look like this. Team winning early game wins the game. Win your lanes and you won the game. I don’t like it I think you gain SO MUCH already killing hero ganking, and its damn entertaining to see a team fight its way back into a game after beeing completely raped in the early game phase. Facts are these, you need to master all 3 phases of the game to win a game of dota. Maybe instead of crying about what is unstable in one of the best versions made you should sit down think a bit about what you could do better to master the mid game and late game aspects for your team. Everyone should so we could rice the level.
Concerning the magic stick, the item is indeed one of the best atm, if it’d to be changed for a more fair item there should be put a time delay on the charge receiving. If to make an example kotl charges wave the magic stick will first get its charge 2 seconds after. Same if you get stunned you will first receive your charge 2 seconds after. This way people cant use magic stick as radar spotting gank, dodging arrows and all that crap. And you can’t use it as a instant save. It would still be a very strong item, but would balance the lane phase a bit more.
torsdag den 25. februar 2010
The start
The time has come for me to start my own blog, for anyone interested in my thoughts about dota or whatever I might find interesting to type down.
The past time a lot of people started to pm me at mirc and send me messages concerning a lot of diff questions.
A lot of other team leaders and other well known players already has a blog, where they talks about their thoughts about whats moving on the dota scene.
So here I go, so what is going on atm? Guess I will start out about the game we played today against unique-esports. Sad to say I choose to sit out today, but that's the thing when you are a 6-man rooster someone has to sit out. None the less the team managed to bring a win home to me, and show yet again outstanding play. The strategy we used today was a strategy we been thinking about for some time, and been working on so we could show you "the community/fans" a well executed game. Watching the game I can only say that we yet again played a almost flawless game, the mistakes we make are few and not very important, and in this case unique simply had no chance what so ever to punish us. The replay can be found here: www.gosugamers.net/dota/replays/replays/28931
Now MYM is waiting for us in the semifinal in a bo3 match. This is going to be intense games, not only cause they are top class players, but also cause Angel and miGGel are old pals with maelk mania and pusher. Even though MYM got a little back in shape I believe we will come out on top. We just have to be sharp during the picking phase and it will all come natural to us.
As you all know we choose to add miGGel and Angel to the rooster, and I think we put them to good use even though they are new to this team. miGGel brings the team a lot, not only ingame but also outside the game, Angel do his job as we expected him to do, and it won't be long before we will stand at the top. That's at least how I feel.
2 major subjects are currently roaming the dota scene (nirvana teaching dota, AEDL open its doors soon), and one minor discussion about manners in general (Pappa Drayich). I would like to give my 100% support to Drayich, atm it's simply to poor between the persons involved. Even teams tend to flame each other, and DDT are no exception. About the dota lessons, I simply see it as rubbing, even now my own teammate Misery- is starting to give away lessons for money. Its cool that you want to teach and all but involving money in this scenarior doesn't fit my style. In my opinion this will just lower the community. It's just a matter of time before you have to pay for everything. Don't know how it is in all country's but in Denmark teachers get one of the lowest pay's and most teachers only stay as teachers cause of their love of teaching. I don't believe this is the case in this scenarior. I put up a free guide at www.gosugamers.net/dota/thread/492764/start/220 comment #221. I believe this guide covers the most you need to learn about dota, the other aspects are "talent" and simply to think about what it is you are doing. A lot of people believe they do, but they don't. Its okay not to think, but that's where the line btw pros and amateur is. Its the effort you put into it.
AEDL is the last thing on my menu today, and the most exciting I think. This new league shows to be really promising, I personally been hoping for this to get possible (Asian vs EU) for a long time, and im really happy to see the organizers only limit the teams invited to the best of the best. I might apply for admin for the first time in my career since I want to make this come true. Heads up lads this league is going to be be legendary, and DDT will be a major part of it.
That's all for this time hope some of you readers liked it, you are more then welcome to leave a comment (negative or positive) just do it in a proper way. Btw im sorry for my not perfect English.
The past time a lot of people started to pm me at mirc and send me messages concerning a lot of diff questions.
A lot of other team leaders and other well known players already has a blog, where they talks about their thoughts about whats moving on the dota scene.
So here I go, so what is going on atm? Guess I will start out about the game we played today against unique-esports. Sad to say I choose to sit out today, but that's the thing when you are a 6-man rooster someone has to sit out. None the less the team managed to bring a win home to me, and show yet again outstanding play. The strategy we used today was a strategy we been thinking about for some time, and been working on so we could show you "the community/fans" a well executed game. Watching the game I can only say that we yet again played a almost flawless game, the mistakes we make are few and not very important, and in this case unique simply had no chance what so ever to punish us. The replay can be found here: www.gosugamers.net/dota/replays/replays/28931
Now MYM is waiting for us in the semifinal in a bo3 match. This is going to be intense games, not only cause they are top class players, but also cause Angel and miGGel are old pals with maelk mania and pusher. Even though MYM got a little back in shape I believe we will come out on top. We just have to be sharp during the picking phase and it will all come natural to us.
As you all know we choose to add miGGel and Angel to the rooster, and I think we put them to good use even though they are new to this team. miGGel brings the team a lot, not only ingame but also outside the game, Angel do his job as we expected him to do, and it won't be long before we will stand at the top. That's at least how I feel.
2 major subjects are currently roaming the dota scene (nirvana teaching dota, AEDL open its doors soon), and one minor discussion about manners in general (Pappa Drayich). I would like to give my 100% support to Drayich, atm it's simply to poor between the persons involved. Even teams tend to flame each other, and DDT are no exception. About the dota lessons, I simply see it as rubbing, even now my own teammate Misery- is starting to give away lessons for money. Its cool that you want to teach and all but involving money in this scenarior doesn't fit my style. In my opinion this will just lower the community. It's just a matter of time before you have to pay for everything. Don't know how it is in all country's but in Denmark teachers get one of the lowest pay's and most teachers only stay as teachers cause of their love of teaching. I don't believe this is the case in this scenarior. I put up a free guide at www.gosugamers.net/dota/thread/492764/start/220 comment #221. I believe this guide covers the most you need to learn about dota, the other aspects are "talent" and simply to think about what it is you are doing. A lot of people believe they do, but they don't. Its okay not to think, but that's where the line btw pros and amateur is. Its the effort you put into it.
AEDL is the last thing on my menu today, and the most exciting I think. This new league shows to be really promising, I personally been hoping for this to get possible (Asian vs EU) for a long time, and im really happy to see the organizers only limit the teams invited to the best of the best. I might apply for admin for the first time in my career since I want to make this come true. Heads up lads this league is going to be be legendary, and DDT will be a major part of it.
That's all for this time hope some of you readers liked it, you are more then welcome to leave a comment (negative or positive) just do it in a proper way. Btw im sorry for my not perfect English.
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